Poi / Kiwido

1 bis 12 von 19

65mm Reservoir Fire Poi from FyreFli Length: 69…

This relatively new style of reservoir poi comes packed with kevlar which is inserted into the head under hig…
55.00 CHF

Crystal Poi - Paar (2 lights, ohne Flowlights)

Ein Poi-Paar von flowtoys, bei welchem je nach Geschmack die passenden Flowlights (Fire, Green, Spectrum, Wat…
23.00 CHF

Dart Converter

Der Dart conventer verwandelt dein Flowpoi in ein Flowdart. Einfach die Bridge cap entfernen und durch den …
6.00 CHF

Fire Poi 50mm Juggle Dream

An affordable set of quality fire poi ideal for beginners. These have a respectable flame but are not too dau…
32.00 CHF

Flowlight Fire (rot, orange, gelb)

The flowlight are designed from the ground up for high performance, combining the latest technology and compo…
23.00 CHF

Flowlight Green (3 Grüntöne)

The flowlight are designed from the ground up for high performance, combining the latest technology and compo…
23.00 CHF

Flowlight Spectrum (rot, blau, grün)

The flowlight are designed from the ground up for high performance, combining the latest technology and compo…
23.00 CHF

Flowlight Water (blau, türkis, weiss)

The flowlight are designed from the ground up for high performance, combining the latest technology and compo…
23.00 CHF

FNG LED Poly Poi - Pair (Multi-function)

21.00 CHF

Fyrefli Channel Fire Poi 45mm Weight: 190g

A single, 5mm steel bolt makes wick replacement easy, "markedly different" from the more traditional wood scr…
47.00 CHF

Fyrefli Channel Fire Poi 65mm

225g A single, 5mm steel bolt makes wick replacement easy, "markedly different" from the more traditional wo…
52.00 CHF

Light Poi

Swinging magic Moments! Der transparente Kunststoff-Poi hat an einem Stabende ein LED-Modul, welches den ganz…
37.00 CHF
1 bis 12 von 19